More Podcast, Less Process


More Podcast, Less Process is a podcast featuring interviews with archivists, librarians, preservationists, technologists, and information professionals about interesting work and projects within and involving archives, special collections, and cultural heritage. Topics include appraisal and acquisition, arrangement and description, reference, outreach and education, collection management, physical and digital preservation, and infrastructure and technology.

Hosts: Jefferson Bailey, Metropolitan New York Library Council & Joshua Ranger, AudioVisual Preservation Solutions.

Episodes are available here and through Internet Archive, SoundCloud, iTunes, and direct download. You can also follow via the RSS feed. All episodes are released CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US. For more information, email Jefferson at jbailey at metro dot org.

Episode 10: Archival Manoeuvres: Managing Digitization Projects

Guests: Miwa Yokoyama (Digital Project Manager, Carnegie Hall) and Mitch Brodsky (Digital Archives Manager, New York Philharmonic) visit Josh and Jefferson to discuss their experiences managing archival digitization projects.(Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)

Previous Episodes:

Episode 9: All Archives Are Local
Guests: Bonnie Marie Sauer (Archivist, National Archives at New York City) and Kevin DeVorsey (Supervisory Electronic Records Format Specialist, National Archives and Records Administration) talk with Josh and Jefferson about the work that NARA does to manage billions of records. (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 8: The Video Word Made Flesh
Guests: Nicole Martin (Multimedia Archivist and Systems Manager at Human Rights Watch), Erik Piil (Digital Archivist, Anthology Film Archives), and Peter Oleksik (Assistant Media Conservator, Museum of Modern Art). (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 7: humans.txt.mp3 — The Web Archivists Are Present
Guests: Alex Thurman (Web Resources Collection Coordinator, Columbia University Libraries) and Lily Pregill (Project Coordinator & Systems Manager, New York Art Resources Consortium). (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 6: Can’t We All Just Get Along? Shared Services & Institutional Collaboration in Libraries & Archives?
Guests: Rachel Miller, Melanie Meyers, Lauren Bradley, and Felicity Corkill of the Center for Jewish History. (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 5: Holiday Wrap Up — What Does The Archivist Say?
This episode contains a collection of brief interviews with archivists discussing their trade, recorded at the 2013 New York Archivists Roundtable Award Ceremony and the 2013 Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference.. (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 4: A Talk with Kate Theimer
Guests: Kate Theimer, Archivist, Editor, Consultant, and blogger at ArchivesNext. (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 3: Archives in the Classroom – Archives as the Classroom
Guests: Janet Bunde, Director of Outreach & Advocacy and Ryan Anthony Donaldson, Vice President, both from Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, and Robin Katz, Outreach & Public Archivist, Brooklyn Historical Society (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 2: How to Preserve Change: Activist Archives & Video Preservation
Guests: Grace Lile, Director of Operations and Archives, WITNESS & Yvonne Ng, Archivist, WITNESS (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)
Episode 1: CSI Special Collections: Digital Forensics and Archives
Guests: Mark Matienzo, Digital Archivist, Yale University, Donald Mennerich, Digital Archivist, New York Public Library (Internet Archive, iTunes, or direct download)

6 thoughts on “More Podcast, Less Process

  1. Seth

    Two things: First, will there be a podcast specific feed (I catch podcasts on my android phone rather than iTunes)? Second, the “direct download” link is misleading since it directs to a Dropbox download link (after trying “Save As” twice resulting in small files I discovered I was really getting an html file with an mp3 extension).

    I am looking forward to listening during my lunch-time walk!

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Seth and thanks for the note! The direct download link is updated, not sure what was up with that. The E001 file can also be grabbed via the directory page at

      [Update, RSS link] We are working on the RSS feed and will add that info shortly and I’ll let you know. Totally agree on having a more friendly (i.e. non-iTunes) feed and will get it set up soon. Thanks for listening and commenting!


  2. Natalie

    I’m an Archivist and Librarian (jack of all trades!) I loved listening to this podcast! Will there be more? I would also be interested in participating in terms of archives and outreach. I am currently working on a conference proposal for outreach in the archives. I would love to correspond with you on this.


    1. admin Post author

      Hi Natalie, thanks for the comment. Yes, there will be more! We hope to release a new episode every 2-3 weeks. A number more are already recorded and are in post-production. My email address is listed above, so feel free to email me to chat further. Thanks for listening! -Jefferson

  3. Rebecca Skirvin

    Excellent episode! As someone who used to work at a large institution and now works for a small one, I really appreciated this wide ranging discussion of digital forensics and preservation. It was really helpful for me to hear your ideas on appraisal for preservation as I adjust to a place with digital records that need to be preserved, but without the resources or technical support (or volume of content) to set up its own repository.

    I look forward to more great episodes!


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